Using 567 true or false questions, it rates the tester on 130 categories (validity scales included).
MMPI-2 Score: How to Trust & Understand your test results.Help prepare for the job personality test, or just take it to assess your personality with the most popular personality tests. The Do-it-Yourself MMPI 2 Test Online that saves Hundreds of Dollars paying a licensed Psychologist. Practice | Take the MMPI 2 Test Online: $3.99 Cheat Sheet.The MMPI-2-RF personality test consists of 338 statements compared to 567 statements of the MMPI-2 test. The original form of MMPI-2 is the third most common in psychology, behind the most common IQ tests and achievements. There are 567 statements in this test, which takes 1 to 2 hours to complete. MMPI & MMPI 2 Online Test Preparation.

The advantage of this test is its unusual development in order to avoid all the possibilities of cultural embarrassment. For example, if a person is asked about history that he is unaware of, it does not suggest in any way that he is not intelligent. You can imagine how difficult it is to compare all the cultural features. And this is a very common general problem in compiling a universal intelligence test. Behavior, leading to success in one environment can lead to failure in another. Anyone who is considered to be intelligent in one culture can be considered a fool in another, and vice versa. Studies have shown the criteria for intelligence in different cultures may differ extensively. An interesting fact about the test: it was introduced for the British soldiers in 1942, and is used by the military of the whole world nowadays.

This test is used to evaluate observational skills, problem-solving, and general learning ability. By using this methodology author was able to create a test that would be theoretically substantiated, unambiguously interpretable, and whose assessment would be minimally dependent on differences in education, origin, and human life experiences.
Each series contains tasks of increasing difficulty.

The test consists of 60 tables (5 series). The task is to establish the pattern linking all the figures in one, indicating the desired figure among the proposed options and in the answer gap. There will be one missing figure, and it is given among 6-8 other figures below. Here pictures are shown with figures linked together by a certain dependency. This test appeared back in 1936 thanks to John Raven. You can determine the adults' IQ, aged 14 to 65, regardless of nationality, religion, and other differences with its help. It was designed to measure the level of both intellectual development and logical thinking.

Raven Matrices is the test of intelligence.